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    00 Notes from a Friend - Tony Robbins | Introduction | 書籍 - 閱讀記錄
    2023-06-25   生活

偶然看到這本書的介紹,對當中想法及建議都深感興趣。此外,整本書的篇幅比較短, 每一章節都可以很快看完。自己英文不是很好,看著看著也不太吃力。



Introduction - ONE MAN'S STORY

"... there is always a way to turn things around, that they are loved, and that—with simple steps, a little understanding, and massive action—whatever challenges exist now can be turned into valuable lessons and opportunities for personal growth and long-term happiness."

"Once we under­stand what shapes our thoughts, feelings, and behavior, all it takes is consistent, intelligent, massive action."

"... focus on how to turn things around—on solutions—rather than on how things are so "wrong"."

"But positive thinking alone is not enough to turn your life around. You must have some strategies, some step-by-step plans for changing how you think, how you feel, and what you do every single day you're alive."

"The only thing that's necessary to make this work for you right now is to begin to believe that it is possible to change. The past doesn't matter. Whatever hasn't worked in the past has nothing to do with what you'll do today. What you do right now is what will shape your destiny."

主要內容還有 10 個章節, 待續~


看一篇其他筆友的日記 2023-07-30 10 Notes from a Friend - Tony Robbins | Lesson Ten - READY ... SET ... GOAL! HOW SETTING GOALS CAN BUILD YOUR FUTURE | 書籍 - 閱讀記錄2023-07-28 09 Notes from a Friend - Tony Robbins | Lesson Nine - ARE YOU "UP AGAINST A WALL"? BREAK THROUGH WITH A NEW METAPHOR! | 書籍 - 閱讀記錄2023-07-27 08 Notes from a Friend - Tony Robbins | Lesson Eight - THE VOCABULARY OF SUCCESS | 書籍 - 閱讀記錄2023-07-23 07 Notes from a Friend - Tony Robbins | Lesson Seven - WELCOME TO THE GREAT STATE OF ... YOU! | 書籍 - 閱讀記錄2023-07-18 06 Notes from a Friend - Tony Robbins | Lesson Six - QUESTIONS ARE THE ANSWER | 書籍 - 閱讀記錄2023-07-08 05 Notes from a Friend - Tony Robbins | Lesson Five - WHAT YOU SEE IS WHAT YOU GET | 書籍 - 閱讀記錄2023-07-06 04 Notes from a Friend - Tony Robbins | Lesson Four - BUILD YOUR BELIEFS AND ... BLAST OFF! | 書籍 - 閱讀記錄2023-07-02 03 Notes from a Friend - Tony Robbins | Lesson Three - THE UNSTOPPABLE YOU: DECISION MAKER | 書籍 - 閱讀記錄2023-06-29 02 Notes from a Friend - Tony Robbins | Lesson Two - THERE ARE NO FAILURES | 書籍 - 閱讀記錄2023-06-26 01 Notes from a Friend - Tony Robbins | Lesson One - FEELING OVERWHELMED... HOW TO TURN IT AROUND | 書籍 - 閱讀記錄2023-06-25 00 Notes from a Friend - Tony Robbins | Introduction | 書籍 - 閱讀記錄

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